mandag den 15. december 2014

Så er det (næsten) Jul!

Til alle som kigger ind her på bloggen:

Forsvar Immunforsvaret...

Courtesy: Stock Photo

Jeg indrømmer det: jeg har været lidt af en læsehest i de sidste par uger, og denne gang har det været i forbindelse med at få den fulde forståelse af menneskets immunsystem, og den fordel som haves i det at man får behandling gennem massage.

Jo mere jeg har gået i dybden, dess mere har jeg forstået at der er en stor del af mennesker i vores samfund som os indenfor alternativ behandling måské ikke reklamerer til så meget som vi skulle; især er det vores allermest sårbare, som vi ikke snakker om, men som er blandt os: vores medmennesker som har fået prognosen om HIV/AIDS.

Jeg har ikke indset indtil nu, at i de sidste år som er gået, når man hører om HIV/AIDS, så er det, for det meste, kampagner som handler om at hjælpe dem som er ramt i Afrika, og med god grund: I følge Avert og deres rapport fra 2012, er der omkring 23.8 millioner (Midt-Østen inkluderet) personer ramt af denne sygdom. Det får det samlet tal af syge i Europa, som er vurderet til 900000 personer, til at se ud som, det er ligevel 900000 personer, og som inkluderer vores egne syge her i Danmark. Så, hvorfor er det at vi “glemmer” at danskere med HIV/AIDS eksisterer? Kan det være fordi levetiden samt livskvaliteten er gået op nu som der er medicin til at holde dette virus under kontrol? Men, hvad med angsten, frustrationen, den stigma som disse personer ligevel lever med, selv om deres fysiske tilstand er øget til et mere normalt niveau? Det er noget som skal gennemtænkes, ikke så meget tanke fra dig, den vanlige borger, men fra os ude i branchen, hvorfor der er massageterapeuter som bliver nervøse hvis temaet om HIV/AIDS kommer op, og derfor sikkert ikke kommer til at hænge “velkommen ind” på døren til dem som måské behøver det mest; også skoler som oplærer nye i branchen i det mest basale indenfor massage, nævner intet om “mindfulness” i forbindelse med syge kunder, så det er derfor ikke mærkelig at terapeuter føler sig utilpas i dette meget følesesmæssige område af kropsterapi, da der ikke er nogen særlig uddannelse i håndtering af særlige kunder.

Eftersom det er blevet sagt så kan det nævnes at om man har fået en dødsdom i form af sygdom, eller om man er relativ rask, så er det bevist at stress som påtages generelt kan nedsætte immunsystemet, hvilket jeg vil nævne at lige den angst, frustration samt stigma som denne gruppe af personer ramt med HIV/AIDS er alle stress-faktorer som nedsætter et immunsystem som allerede er under et konstant angreb; og det er lige derfor jeg har undersøgt hvad vi som terapeuter i alternativ behandling kan gøre for personer med HIV/AIDS: invitere dem ind i et inklusionsmilleau, hvor alle som behøver lidt alternativ medicin for stress og for at forbedre deres immunsystem er velkommen, idet at den medicin som er tilgængelig ikke dækker skade fra angst, frustration og stigma.

Dog det kliniske undersøgelse som jeg herved giver linket til er fra 1996, så er det bevis på at der er gavn i af få regelmæssig massage for personer ramt af HIV/AIDS:

Hvad dette forældet studie også fortæller os er hvor lidt videnskaben har gået fremad indenfor alternativ behandling i forbindelse med HIV/AIDS, det er som bolden er blevet droppet, og så trillet væk og derfor “glemt” at den måské skulle op i luften igen.

En anden sygdom hvilket der også er bevis at behandling gennem massage øger immunsystemet er dem i vores samfund som er ramt af kræft, eller som vi også kender under navnet cancer. Også disse individer, ligesom HIV/AIDS ramte, har et nedsat immunsystem grundet behandlinger som chemo og strålebehandling.

Linket som jeg giver dig som læser dette, giver kun nogle nøgletal (hele studiet kan købes via online) men nok af et overblik, at man kan få en forståelse af den positive sammenhæng mellem massage og kræft:

Også i dette område kan jeg konstatere at her i Danmark bliver der nervøsitet når det tales om massage og cancer i den samme sætning, særlig indenfor studier, hvor skoler lister kræft/cancer som en kontraindikation i forbindelse med massage, og som ikke giver meget tillid til den ordinær terapeut som ikke videreuddanner sig, at man faktisk KAN give behandling til cancer patienter, således at man har lært de rigtige teknikker.

Nu som jeg håber at have givet et lille overblik om hvad vi i branchen KAN gøre for syge og som nogle af os gerne VIL udføre for dem som er ramt af HIV/AIDS eller kræft, så er det nu op til dem som står den syge nær...det er dig som er en mor eller far; det er måské din søster eller din nevø, eller så er det din svoger eller simpelthen naboen som kan videregive den lille positive besked, at hvis livet med sygdom bliver for voldsomt, så skulle man prøve at slappe helt af med ikke-verbal kommunikation gennem massageterapi; og som vi står med julen (eller Hanukkah) lige foran døren, hvorfor ikke give den du kender som er syg gaven at modtage 1 times behandling fra kærlige men kyndige hænder som svinger immunsystemet tilbage op. Disse slags hænder kan du finde i næsten hver eneste klinik i Danmark...og sådan en behandling varmer krop og sind bedre end endnu et par uldstrømper, eller den vinterhat du så på tilbud...

Med venlig hilsen,


English version:

I admit it: I have been quite a bookworm recently; this time, the focus has been on trying to gain a thorough comprehension of the human immune system, in conjunction with the benefit of being treated with massage therapy.

The further in depth I went regarding the topic at hand, the more I realized that there is a vast number of individuals, with serious illness, in our society [Denmark] whom the ones of us practicing alternative healthcare do not advertise our services to: I am speaking of the most vulnerable; the ones who may gain more from implementing alternative treatments, more than any others, in form of massage therapy, into the traditional medicine regiment: the individuals whom are HIV/AIDS positive.

It dawned on me, that in recent time, when HIV/AIDS is mentioned, it seems only in connection with the spread as well as containment of the disease in Africa, and for a good reason: According to Avert, and their report from 2012, there were in that year reported 23.8 million HIV/AIDS cases in Africa/Middle East, a number so massive that it makes the number of 900,000 individuals with HIV/AIDS in Europe seem like such an insignificant number. However, it is still 900,000 individuals, some of which are living among us here in Denmark. Why is it then that we seem to “forget” they exist? Is it due to the fact that we have available to the HIV/AIDS stricken, antiviral medications which enhances such an individual’s quality of life in the physical sense? But, what about the emotional issues which anti-viral medication cannot keep at bay, such as the anxiety, the frustration of having received this form of death sentence, in addition to now living with the continuing stigma of the virus? This is something which should be considered, as emotional stress, especially associated with physical illness, does have an effect on the immune system, as this factor, stress, can decrease the immune system’s ability to defend the human body; thus, it should be thoroughly considered, not as much by you, the ordinary citizen whom may read this, but as a cry out to all of us working in the realm of alternative medicine, using therapy in the non-verbal form, including massage therapy- shouldn’t it be given a thought why in this sector there are still therapists who become nervous when the issue of HIV/AIDS is brought up, and therefore, probably, are not the ones with a sign on their clinic door, stating: “treatment without discrimination” in order to attract the client whom may need their services the most; in addition to this observation, it may be added that the schools providing the fundamental education in alternative and complementary medicine should reconsider their curriculum, especially in Denmark, as it has been my experience that the topic of “mindful” treatment for individuals with serious illness is non-existent, and one can, therefore, certainly understand why some therapists become nervous regarding this rather emotionally sensitive area of therapy, as they have received no education pertaining to the handling of such scenarios.

With that being said, studies do attest to that fact that, whether one is pronounced incurable or happens to be a healthy individual- stress, no matter the level, has a negative impact on the human immune system, which is already constantly under attack; for the ones with HIV/AIDS and the previously mentioned extra emotional stress they need to carry about, can benefit from what massage therapists can offer, if such a therapist decides to reach out to this vulnerable group of individuals.

The case-study which I hereby provide a link to, proves exactly what I have been blogging about. Although the study originated in 1996, it is still relevant today:

Furthermore, what this outdated case-study also informs us of, is the fact that science in this field seems not to have progressed; it is as if the field of science has not only dropped the ball on this particular field of study, but let the ball roll off so far out of sight, that it has been “forgotten”, and no one seems to figure out (or, worse yet, wanting)to get it back on the playing field again.

Another form of physical illness which there also has been provided evidence that massage therapy carries great benefit to the patient in our society, are those individuals stricken with cancer, as case-studies in this field also proves an increased ability of the immune system after massage therapy. Equal to those with HIV/AIDS, the cancer patients also experience a decreased immune system after chemotherapy, as well as during and after radiation therapy; also these patients deals with the immense stress factors such as the emotions of fear and anxiety, frustration and anger, as well as stigmatization.

The link provided, serving as evidence to my statement, only gives the key information (though, the full study is available upon purchase), but it does give an overall understanding of the benefit of massage therapy associated with cancer:

Furthermore, I am quite confident to state that, when “cancer” and “massage therapy” is mentioned in the same sentence, in Denmark, it brings upon a certain level of nervousness, also; and again, the schools are to blame for the therapists’ apprehension, with regard to providing this particular group with holistic therapies, as “cancer” is listed in the curriculum as a contraindication. Ergo, it does not give a therapist, who may not have upgraded his/her knowledge, much confidence in offering treatment to anyone stricken with this disease, even though it is possible, as it has been proven beneficial to this type of client, provided that the proper techniques have been taught.

I have given you, the reader, a tiny speck of insight what we, in the alternative/complementary medicine, can offer individuals with serious illness, and which some of  us would be so happy to provide for those with HIV/AIDS or cancer; now, let’s reach out to the close family members and friends of the persons of these illnesses...a mother or a father, perhaps; a sister or even a nephew- or, may it be the brother-in-law, or someone less significant as the good neighbor: anyone who can relay the positive little message to someone suffering with illness: should life, while ill be too stressful to handle, then seek us out and receive the non-verbal therapy, which is for anyone with these illnesses a double-down winning strike, as it relieves stress AND enhances a worn-down immune system. As the time to be jolly is creeping near, whether such jolly time is Christmas or Hanukkah, why not consider giving someone close, whom is suffering from HIV/AIDS or cancer the gift of all gifts: one hour therapy from warm and competent healing hands, which are hands one can find in about any clinic in Denmark, as elsewhere in the world; afterall, such a gift will be remembered, and will warm the soul much more than a pair of socks or a winter hat from the sales rack...
