mandag den 17. november 2014

Mens Sana in Corporo Sano...bogstavelig talt!

Vi snakker lige om rygning her på bloggen...og hvordan hænger det så sammen med massageterapi, spørger du så måske? Ja, det er jo lige det vi skal snakke om:

Det er ikke mit job som massageterapeut at fortælle dig som vanlig borger at du ikke skal ryge. Vi lever i et frit land, hvor man har lov til at gøre de ting som samfundet har tilladt os at gøre, inkluderet at ryge cigaretter. Hvis du er gammel nok til at lave den beslutning (hvad end grunden er) at, eventuelt, du vil se “cool” ud med en cigaret i munden, så er det jo din ret at gøre det, så længe du ved at du kommer måske til at se “cool” ud om ti år med et ansigt som har mere rynker end en bomuldsskjorte som er vasket på 90 grader uden skyldemiddel og som så har taget en køretur i tørretrumleren bagefter, hvis du forstår hvad jeg mener...så er der jo ingen af os som har lov til at fortælle dig at du ikke skal gøre det. Og som der er mange andre måder hvilket kroppen kan komme til skade på hver gang du tænder den lille stav, så er det din læge, sundhedsvæsenet, og de tusinder af journalister, aktivister, bloggere, og opinister på nettet som kan fortælle dig lige præcis hvad konsekvenserne er hvis man ryger!

Hvad jeg kan fortælle dig er at grunden til at man bliver for eksempel rynket hvis man ryger er fordi blodårene i de yderste hudlag bliver indsnævret grundet nikotinen, hvilket resulterer i mindre blodforsygning med ilt og næringsstoffer til huden. Men du behøver ikke at tro på mig...du kan jo læse om det her:

Hvad sker der med kroppen i det at massage haves? Er det ikke at blodcirkulation øges?
JO! Det er jo lige det som sker...og dermed øges chancen at man får mere næringsstoffer til huden, ergo huden får det som behøves for at forhindre forældet hud.

Endvidere, kan jeg fortælle dig at en kombination af dyre creme og rygning er altså ikke magi som kan bruges til se yngre ud efter mange år med rygning. Selv om at man holder op med at ryge sikkert er den bedste måde at holde ansigtet og kroppen ung, så er jeg én som holder debatten ved lige om at det stress man udsætter sig for i det man prøver at holde op med at ryge hvis man har været ryger i rigtig mange år, hjælper ikke til at holde balancen i sind og krop, og kan udsætte én for nedbrydelse(er) af anden art...igen, det handler om “Mens Sana in Corporo Sano”.

Rigelig med vand, et skift i madplanen hvilket betyder at mad som stimulerer kollagenproduktion i egen krop er indkluderet, fysisk bevægelse samt MASSAGE kan give dig bedre resultater end dyre creme, så måske man skal begynde med at investere sine penge i det overstående 3 (vand, mad, massage) før man investerer i små krukker med “magisk” rynke creme. Igen, du behøver ikke at tro på mig, du kan jo begynde med at læse om det her:

Og så kunne det jo være at efter du har lagt vaner om, og ser positive resultater at du føler dig “cool” selv om du ikke har en cigaret i munden ;)

Med venlig hilsen,


English version:

We’re going to chat about cigarette smoking...and in which context, with regard to massage therapy, you may ask yourself? Well, that is what I am about to tell you about in this blog:

As a massage therapist, it isn’t my job to tell you, being the ordinary citizen of the society, that you shouldn’t smoke cigarettes. As most in the western world, we live in a free society where we are free to do what society has permitted us to do, and that includes the freedom to smoke cigarettes. If you are of legal age to make the decision that you might feel “cool” while a cigarette is hanging out of your mouth, then it is in your right to do so, as long as you know that you will look “cool” in the next decade,although with many more wrinkles in the face than are on a washed-out cotton shirt having just had the pleasure of being spun clean on the “whites” cycle, followed by a ride in the dryer...without the dryer sheet...if you get my drift. In other words, as long as you are becoming a cigarette smoker with your eyes open, then who are we to preach to you about exposing yourself to premature aging?
As there are so many other ways to damage the body as well by firing up the little nicotine stick, it is ,again, not my job to inform you of it; that job is left to your medical doctor, the Department of Health, as well as the the thousands of journalists, activists, bloggers and opinionists.

However, what I can tell you is this:

One of the reasons why wrinkles start to appear prematurely due to cigarette smoking is that the nicotine, once inhaled, causes the narrowing of the blood vessels in the outer layers of the skin, which may result in the lack of transport of oxygen as well as nutrients which combats ageing. But don’t take my word for can become informed of this by someone much more qualified than myself, if you follow this link:


And here comes my job as a massage therapist into place: What happens during massage? Hasn’t it been proven that massage improves the blood circulation? Why yes it has...hence, the increased flow of blood increases the ability for such blood to supply the body with the necessary oxygen as well as the nutrients, thereby aiding the body by such increased circulation to combat ageing...and facial wrinkles!

Furthermore, I am here to tell you that the combination of expensive facial cremes in fancy jars and cigarette smoking does not create magic which erases age, especially if the habit of smoking has consisted for years; even though breaking the habit most likely is the best way to preserve a youthful face and body, I would have to debate the fact that the mental stress for which a person may endure during the time of quitting cigarette smoking may damage the body and speed up the ageing process equal to that of smoking; Let’s remind ourselves that the key is to preserving our health is “Mens Sana in Corporo Sano”, or in English: a healthy mind in a healthy body.

If I should raise an opinion and advise a cigarette smoker how to address the
issue of premature ageing, I would advise to consume adequate amounts of water, and to implement into the diet foods which are proven to stimulate the body’s own production of collagen (which prevents wrinkling), increase the level of physical activity, and to implement into the schedule MASSAGE sessions! To invest in the above-mentioned change of life-style may give you a better result as opposed to investing in the retail “magic potions” A.K.A expensive facial cremes. But again...don’t take my word for it; you can investigate the statements on this matter made by someone else, if you follow this link:

Who may as well be that once you changed your habits and watch positive results, you will find that you are just as “cool” without a cigarette hanging from the mouth ;)

Kindest regards,


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