tirsdag den 14. oktober 2014

Gaven som giver videre...

I København kan man få glæden at få massage utrolig mange steder. Men hvis du vælger at få behandling hos SANCTI, giver du dig selv gaven som bliver ved med at give videre. Og hvad betyder så det, mon tro?
Det betyder at vi tager 10DKK fra alle massagebehandlinger og donerer til 4 forskellige organisationer. Én organisation er designeret til én uge om måneden. Jeg har valgt fire organisationer som har inspireret mig ret meget gennem årene: To af dem, den danske organisation, KRÆFTENS BEKÆMPELSE og den amerikanske organisation, LIVESTRONG, hvilket er organisationer som samler penge til kræft; ONE.org, som kæmper mod ekstrem fattigdom, og sidst men ikke mindst: Medecins Sans Frontiers/Doctors Without Borders.
Vi kigger lige på hvem disse organisationer er og hvad det er de laver som er så utrolig vakkert:

Kræftens Bekæmpelse begyndte sin rejse gennem tiden i 1904. Organisationen var grundlagt af danske læger, og kan den dag i dag betragtes som den største sygdomsbekæmpende organisation i Danmark.
Denne organisation har 3 formål:
3.Rådgivning til patienter med kræft og deres pårørende

Livestrong.org var tidligere anerkendt som Lance Armstrong Foundation, og var grundlagt af cyklisten Lance Armstrong, som selv også har været ramt af kræft. Hovedkvarteret befinder sig i Austin, Texas.
Denne organisation har som hovedformål at støtte kræftpatienter gennem deres mange programmer og projekter.
Denne utrolige organisation som har ingen anden end Bono som talsmand, var faktisk dannet af en koalition som repræsenterede 11 NGOer, deriblandt OXFAM og World Vision; bevillingen til at grundlægge organisationen kom fra Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Selv om ONE.org har som hovedformål at bekæmpe ekstrem fattigdom, er denne organisation engageret i mange andre projekter som for eksempel at forsyne rent vand, bekæmpelse af AIDS, og bekæmpelse af korruption med hensyn til kapital i lande som befindes primært i den tredje verden.

MSF er oprindelig en fransk organisation som har spredt sig til alle hjørner af verden, og vi kender den i Danmark som Læger Uden Grænser.
Den var grundlagt af Bernard Kouchner i 1971. Som navnet siger sig selv, så er det læger samt al støttepersonale som udover alle verdens grænser hjælper til i de mest katastrofe/konfliktramte områder.

Med venlig hilsen

Content copyright: SANCTI

English version:

I Copenhagen, the availability to enjoy the pleasure of massage therapy is everywhere. However, should you chose to come to SANCTI in order to be treated, you will be giving yourself the gift which keeps on giving. So, what does that mean?
It means that, for every massage performed at SANCTI, 10DKK of the proceeds is donated to four organizations of our choice. An organization is dedicated for one particular week of the month. I have chosen to donate the proceeds to four non-profit organizations which have inspired me tremendously throught the years. Two of the non-profit organizations which have the primary mission providing aid to cancer research as well as cancer patients as well as cancer survivors, are the Danish non-profit organization Kræftens Bekæmpelse and the American non-profit organization, LIVESTRONG; ONE.org, which fights extreme poverty, and last but not least, Medicins Sans Frontiers.

Let’s take a look at these four non-profit organizations and what it is they [the organizations] which makes their tireless efforts so beautifully inspiring:
Kræftens Bekæmpelse began its journey throughout time in the year of 1904. The non-profit organization was founded by Danish medical doctors, and is today considered the largest preventive madical care organization in Denmark.
The organization has 3 primary mission goals:
1.Cancer research
2.Cancer prevention/Cancer medical care
3.Counseling and support to cancer patients as well as their families

Livestrong.org, which is formerly known under the name Lance Armstrong Foundation, was founded by the internationally recognized elite cyclist, and cancer survivor, Lance Armstrong. The headquarters of the organization is located in Austin, Texas.
The mission of this organization is to provide cancer patients as well as cancer survivors though their many powerful programs and projects.
This incredible non-profit organization, which have no other than BONO as its ambassador, was originally created through a coalition 11 non-profit organizations, including OXFAM and World Vision; the capital for which the foundation needed in order to be founded derived from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Although ONE.org has as their primary mission to fight extreme poverty, the organization also engages in many other projects such as ensuring and providing clean water, AIDS prevention, and fighting against the corruption primarily found in the third-world countries, with regard to the embezzling of funds intended for the most vulnerable members of such societies.

Medicins Sans Frontiers was originally a French non-profit organization which has now spread to every corner of the world, and the organization is in Denmark recognized under the name: Læger Uden Grænser.

MFS was founded in the year of 1971 by Bernard Kouchner. As the name clearly states, doctors as well as support staff cross borders into the most conflict stricken areas of the world in order to fulfill their mission of providing critical medical care.

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